Maya Bair: Small acts of service filled with great love

Our recent visit to Cherith Brook Catholic Worker House provided growth on an emotional, mental, and physical level for me. During the planning process, I discovered how to plan and accommodate for a religiously diverse community. Entering the house was different because the community was so welcoming. Their focus was on the feeling of community, rather than what community you came from. I had learned about the Catholic Worker movement through school and it was really cool to see that movement come to life. My belief is to do your best to help those in need at all times, in every community. Everyone, privileged and underprivileged can face times of need and it’s important to serve those who need it. Moving forward, I plan to continue serving those in need and reaching out to help Cherith Brook. Small acts of service filled with great love can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Our focus as humans should be to help others and affirm the gifts and inherent dignity another human has been given, and by doing so, we can help humanity rise.



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