Maleah Downton: A week of Discovery, Prayer, and Community Pt. 2

Maleah, Gwyn, and Jesse making lunch

Day 2: Kitchen Crew and Walk

Today was amazing. I started off my morning working in the kitchen. As someone who rarely (never) cooks, I was truly amazed at all the work that goes into planning a meal. Directly following breakfast, the attention immediately went to preparing lunch. Being a part of this process has truly pushed me to see another perspective when I consume food. I don't think I properly acknowledge and appreciate those who work in helping provide me with food. A human right which many people are unable to obtain. As a society, we take so much for granted. My action of preparing and cooking grilled cheese may seem minor, but for those who serve meals on a daily basis these tasks are important and work in serving and helping their community of friends, family, neighbors, or "strangers."

 Something that really struck and impacted me along this journey was our morning walk around the garden. In that period of time, I was able to take in my surroundings and just be present. As I walked around in the fresh air, I thought back and failed to remember the last time I casually strolled outside simply for enjoyment. Taking part in this stroll was powerful. I began noticing little things of beauty I previously would have never acknowledged or appreciated. Throughout this day the sense of community has continued to grow. Even though this marks only one day here at J-Farm, I feel as though it has been longer. I am comfortable here. I feel comfortable to be vulnerable and be my true self. That's something I haven't experienced, even with my closest and dearest friends. One of the significant moments of today was the Awareness Walk. Our group was divided into small groups. Each group journeyed with their leader around Pendleton Heights. It was one of the most eye-opening moments I have ever experienced. Read, discussing and learning about Catholic Social Teachers enhanced the experienced. I have seen the Social Teachings applied directly to Kansas City and how these values aren't being upheld in current society. It makes me reconsider my own understanding of Kansas City. One thing that I have been left reflecting on is the topic of conscious consumerism. I often times do not even consider how my purchases align into bigger issues such as the environmental impact and workers compensation. Since these discussions, 

I just feel empowered to take a greater more active role in my community. I think one of my challenges in life has been this idea that I can't naturally bring about any real change. However, that myth is far from the truth. When I return home I hope to adopt a better practice of conscious consumerism in hopes of taking steps to initiate change. Tomorrow I am patining and I am stoked about it! 

Until tomorrow, 



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